Edit behavior of elements, properties and relations

Edit behavior of elements, properties and relations

The systems engineering model lies at the heart of a workspace. It determines how the model objects are visualized and what the edit behavior is.


An element contains one or more properties and can be related to other elements. The table below shows the available types of model objects for elements:

Model Object Usage Edit behavior
Standard element The basic element of the systems engineering model. For each standard element, a certain discipline in the project is primarily responsible.


  • ‘Requirement’
  • ‘Object’
  • ‘Function’
  • ‘Risk’

  • Can only be created on the overview of the corresponding type element.


  • Can only be deleted on the overview of the corresponding type element.
  • Is prohibited from being deleted if the element has one or more incoming relations.
  • When deleted, all its properties, outgoing relations, derived elements, and middle elements of which it is the origin will be deleted.
Derived element An element that describes a part of another element that it originates from. The origin element can be a standard element or another derived element. A derived element can only exist when an origin element exists. A derived element that is set to “inner” is only relevant within the context of its origin element.


  • ‘Activity’ which originates from ‘Work package’
  • ‘Control measure’ which originates from ‘Risk’
  • ‘Requirement’ which (hierarchically) originates from another ‘Requirement’
  • ‘Note’ (inner) which originates from ‘Requirement’
  • ‘Cause’ (inner) which originates from ‘Risk’

  • Can be created on the detail view of the origin element.
  • Can be created in a tree view in case it concerns a hierarchical derived element.
  • Can be created on an overview in the context of the origin element.


  • If the origin element is deleted, automatically the derived element will be deleted.
  • Is prohibited from being deleted if the element has one or more incoming relations.
  • When deleted, all its properties, outgoing relations, and derived elements will be deleted.
Middle element An element that describes the combination of two other elements. One of the other elements is specified as the origin element to which the middle element primarily belongs. The other element is the target element which is the subject of the middle element. A middle element that is set to “inner” is only relevant within the context of its origin element and target element.


  • ‘Interface’ which originates from ‘Object’ and targets another ‘Object’
  • ‘Verification’ which originates from ‘Requirement’ and targets ‘Object’
  • ‘Source reference’ (inner) which originates from ‘Requirement’ and targets ‘Document’
  • ‘Subject’ (inner) which originates from ‘Meeting’ and targets ‘Interface’

  • Can be created on the detail view of the origin element and the target element.
  • Can be created on the overview of the middle element in the context of the origin element and the target element.


  • If the origin element is deleted, automatically the middle element will be deleted.
  • Is prohibited from being deleted if the element has one or more incoming relations.
  • When deleted, all its properties and outgoing relations will be deleted.


A property is part of an element and contains a single value. The table below shows the available types of model objects for properties:

Model Object Usage Edit behavior
Property A model object that describes a characteristic of an element. A property has a single value and has a specified data type.


  • ‘Name’ of the element ‘Requirement’
  • ‘Status’ of the element ‘Action’
  • ‘Description’ of the element ‘Control Measure’

  • A property will always exist as long as the element exists that it belongs to. Therefore, a property value can only be updated.
  • A property can be cleared to show an empty value.
Calculated Property A property of which the value is the result of a calculation based on the values of other properties.


  • ‘Score’ of the element ‘Risk’, which uses a formula to calculate the values of other properties ‘Chance’, ‘Money’, ‘Time’ and ‘Quality’ of the element ‘Risk’

  • A calculated property value can only be updated when one of the property values, that are part of the calculation, are updated.


  • Additional formatting can be added to a text property when adjusting from the detail view.



A relation connects two elements. The table below shows the available types of model objects for relations:

Model Object Usage Edit behavior
Standard relation A model object that describes the connection between two elements. A relation helps to identify a dependency between different disciplines involved in the related elements.


  • Element ‘Requirement’ with the relation ‘has to be met by’ to the element ‘Object’
  • Element ‘Action’ with the relation ‘has responsible’ to the element ‘Person’

  • Can be created on the overview and detail view of the two elements it relates.


  • Can be deleted on the detail view of the two elements it relates.
Collection relation A relation that is allowed between an element of one element type and another element of various element types.


  • Element ‘Requirement’ with the relation ‘has source’ to the elements ‘Document’ and ‘Design Decision’
  • Element ‘Requirement’ with the relation ‘has stakeholder’ to the elements ‘Organisation’ and ‘Person’

  • Can be created on the overview and detail view of the two elements it relates to.


  • Can be deleted on the detail view of the two elements it relates.

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