Using an interface requires a fixed data structure. This article describes the structure of the Excel format.
Structure for manual upload of an Excel file
In the detail view of the interface, an Excel sync template can be downloaded, which contains the required data structure. Copy the data from the external application into the sync template.
- The Excel column “ExternalId” (column A) must contain unique values. Relatics stores these values in a system property for the corresponding elements. When an Excel file update is presented, Relatics uses ExternalId to determine if a model object needs to be created, updated, deleted, or remain unchanged.
- The Excel values must follow the same rules that enforce manual entry specific to the property type in which the information is stored.
- Dates in the Excel file must be set in the Excel date format for correct interpretation.
- The decimal sign of number values has to be a point.
- To map an externally managed type relation the Relatics element ID must be used. To account for multi relations, use enters between the Relatics element IDs.