Interpret report errors

Interpret report errors

The error messages below indicate a problem either by creating the report or when generating a report. To solve the problem one or more of the code blocks with Relatics syntax in the report template should be changed.

Error message Explanation
Archive mode can only be set on elements that have archiving enabled.
Please ensure that auto-archive is enabled for the type element in the iterator to which the archive syntax is applied.
@DisplayName is supported for Collection relations only. Please refer to another property as the system attribute @DisplayName can only be used for model objects that are part of a collection.
‘Display as’ is not defined in one or more referenced type elements. In the settings of the corresponding type element, please enter a value for the setting ‘Display as’.
Invalid filter. Filter on properties is only supported for data types Date, List and Number. Please make sure you only apply a filter on type properties that have one of the following data types: date, list, or number.
Invalid inserter. Behind a collection relation, inserters only support @DisplayName or @ID. Please use either the system attribute @DisplayName or the system attribute @ID when showing model objects that are part of a collection.
Invalid sort. Sort on properties of element of single relation should be configured on their root iterator or parent multi relation iterator. In case of the need to apply sorting on a type property that is part of a single type relation, please apply the filter on the level of the origin type element.
Invalid sort. Sort on properties of single inner element should be configured on their root iterator or parent multi relation iterator. In case of the need to apply sorting on a type property that is part of an inner derived element, please apply the filter on the level of the origin type element.
Invalid sort. Sort requires a path that results in one single value. Please make sure that the applied sorting can only result in one single value. For example, prevent that the sort syntax contains multi relations.
Syntax error. This concerns a generic syntax error. Please carefully check the report script for invalid syntax.
Syntax error. A report with ‘Specific’ scope should contain at least one root iterator with the report’s subject. Please make sure that the root iterator (i.e. the first model object that is refered to) matches the type element set as the ‘subject’ for the report.
Syntax error. A table with Relatics content should contain an iterator closing tag in its last column. Please enter a closing tag (e.g. ‘[.Requirement]’) for the iterator in the last column of the table.
Syntax error. A table with Relatics content should contain an iterator opening tag in its first column. Please enter an opening tag (e.g. ‘[Requirement]’) for the iterator in the first column of the table.
Syntax error. Cannot find iterator for hide-if-empty tag [?]. Please make sure the starting hide-when-empty tag (e.g. ‘[?]’) is placed before the iterator tag (e.g. ‘[executes: Person]’).
Syntax error. Closing tag ‘[#.RelaticsContent#]’ is missing. Please make sure each Relatics content block ends with the correct syntax to close the Relatics content block (e.g. ‘[#.RelaticsContent#]’).
Syntax error. Filter operator “In()” is only supported for List properties. Please ensure that the operator ‘In()’ is only used when the type property has the data type set to ‘list’.
Syntax error. Filter value is an invalid number. Please make sure that the value matches the data type of the type property to which the filter is applied to.
Syntax error. Hide-if-empty closing tag [.?] should be preceded by the iterator closing tag. Please make sure the closing hide-when-empty tag (‘[.?]’) is placed after the iterator tag (e.g. ‘[.]’) it applies to.
Syntax error. Inserters require a path that results in one single value. Please make sure that the (combination of) inserter(s) does not result into multiple values to be presented. Inspect the (nested) inserters to see where this can be the case.
Syntax error. Invalid {type} reference ‘{name}’. Please correctly refer to an existing model object (e.g. type element, type property, or type relation).
Syntax error. Invalid list value ‘{value}’. Please refer to an existing value of a type property with the datatype ‘list’ and make sure it is spelled exactly the same.
Syntax error. Invalid operator in filter. For Date properties use “>”, “<” or “=”. Please use either ‘>’, ‘<‘ or ‘=’ as an operator when applying a filter on a type property with the data type ‘date’.
Syntax error. Invalid operator in filter. For List properties use “=” or “In()”. Please use either ‘=’ or ‘In()’ as an operator when applying a filter on a type property with the data type ‘list’.
Syntax error. Invalid operator in filter. For Number properties use “>=”, Please only use ‘>=’ as an operator for a filter when applying a filter on a type property with the data type ‘number’.
Syntax error. Invalid system attribute ‘{system attribute}’. Please only refer to supported system attributes: ‘@DisplayName’ and ‘@ID’.
Syntax error. Iterator closing tag is missing. Please make sure an iterator closing tag (e.g. ‘[.Action]’ or the shorthand ‘[.]’) is used at the end of the iterator construction.
Syntax error. Iterator closing tag is missing in table. Please make sure an iterator closing tag (e.g. ‘[.Action]’ or the shorthand ‘[.]’) is used in the last column.
Syntax error. Iterator does not specify a role: {iterator}
Please make sure the given iterator has its role name added to complete the relation iterator (e.g. ‘[has actions: Action]’ instead of ‘[Action]’).
Syntax error. Iterator has more than one separator tag ‘[|]’. Please make sure the iterator has only one separator tag (e.g. ‘[Action]{Name} [|]and [.] ‘) when you want to concatenate certain properties.
Syntax error. Iterator is missing a hide-if-empty closing tag [.?]. Please make sure an iterator closing tag (e.g. ‘[.Action]’ or the shorthand ‘[.]’) is used before the hide-when-empty closing tag (e.g. ‘[.?]’) is used.
Syntax error. Iterator is missing a hide-if-empty opening tag [?]. Please make sure an iterator opening tag (e.g. ‘[executes: Person]’) is used after the hide-when-empty opening tag (e.g. ‘[?]’) is used.
Syntax error. Iterator opening tag is missing. Please ensure an iterator opening tag (e.g. ‘[Action]’) is used when you want to show data for elements and relations.
Syntax error. Missing enclosing iterator for inserter “{inserter}”. Please make sure an enclosing iterator for the inserter (e.g. ‘{PropertyName}’) is used when referring to a type property.
Syntax error. Opening tag ‘[#RelaticsContent#]’ is missing. Please use at least one Relatics content block in the report template and/or use the correct tag for starting a Relatics content block (e.g. ‘[#RelaticsContent#]’).
Syntax error. Relation iterator needs to have a type element iterator as a parent.
Please ensure a type element iterator (e.g. ‘[Action]’) is used before the relation iterator (e.g. ‘[executes: Person]’).
Syntax error. Root iterator should depart from a type element and cannot depart from a type relation. Please ensure the first iterator (e.g. ‘[Action]’) used in the report is not a relation iterator (e.g. ‘[has actions: Action]’).
Syntax error. Same parameter cannot be used to filter on properties with different data types. In the case of applying a parameter to multiple type properties, please make sure that all type properties share the same data type).
Syntax error. Sorting on a property requires this property to be inserted in the report (by a corresponding inserter). Please ensure that the type property to which sorting is applied is also presented in the report template.
Syntax error. Template contains deprecated syntax because iterator does not specify a role. To keep this report future-proof, make the following change: {change}
Please make the specified change to the report syntax by giving the iterator a role (e.g. ‘[has actions: Action]’ instead of ‘[Action]’).
Syntax in a table with text wrapping set to “Around” is not allowed. Please ensure no content that is part of a table is set to ‘around’ in the Microsoft Word template file.

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