The error messages below indicate a problem either by creating the report or when generating a report. To solve the problem one or more of the code blocks with Relatics syntax in the report template should be changed.
Error message | Explanation |
Archive mode can only be set on elements that have archiving enabled.
Please ensure that auto-archive is enabled for the type element in the iterator to which the archive syntax is applied. |
@DisplayName is supported for Collection relations only. | Please refer to another property as the system attribute @DisplayName can only be used for model objects that are part of a collection. |
‘Display as’ is not defined in one or more referenced type elements. | In the settings of the corresponding type element, please enter a value for the setting ‘Display as’. |
Invalid filter. Filter on properties is only supported for data types Date, List and Number. | Please make sure you only apply a filter on type properties that have one of the following data types: date, list, or number. |
Invalid inserter. Behind a collection relation, inserters only support @DisplayName or @ID. | Please use either the system attribute @DisplayName or the system attribute @ID when showing model objects that are part of a collection. |
Invalid sort. Sort on properties of element of single relation should be configured on their root iterator or parent multi relation iterator. | In case of the need to apply sorting on a type property that is part of a single type relation, please apply the filter on the level of the origin type element. |
Invalid sort. Sort on properties of single inner element should be configured on their root iterator or parent multi relation iterator. | In case of the need to apply sorting on a type property that is part of an inner derived element, please apply the filter on the level of the origin type element. |
Invalid sort. Sort requires a path that results in one single value. | Please make sure that the applied sorting can only result in one single value. For example, prevent that the sort syntax contains multi relations. |
Syntax error. | This concerns a generic syntax error. Please carefully check the report script for invalid syntax. |
Syntax error. A report with ‘Specific’ scope should contain at least one root iterator with the report’s subject. | Please make sure that the root iterator (i.e. the first model object that is refered to) matches the type element set as the ‘subject’ for the report. |
Syntax error. A table with Relatics content should contain an iterator closing tag in its last column. | Please enter a closing tag (e.g. ‘[.Requirement]’) for the iterator in the last column of the table. |
Syntax error. A table with Relatics content should contain an iterator opening tag in its first column. | Please enter an opening tag (e.g. ‘[Requirement]’) for the iterator in the first column of the table. |
Syntax error. Cannot find iterator for hide-if-empty tag [?]. | Please make sure the starting hide-when-empty tag (e.g. ‘[?]’) is placed before the iterator tag (e.g. ‘[executes: Person]’). |
Syntax error. Closing tag ‘[#.RelaticsContent#]’ is missing. | Please make sure each Relatics content block ends with the correct syntax to close the Relatics content block (e.g. ‘[#.RelaticsContent#]’). |
Syntax error. Filter operator “In()” is only supported for List properties. | Please ensure that the operator ‘In()’ is only used when the type property has the data type set to ‘list’. |
Syntax error. Filter value is an invalid number. | Please make sure that the value matches the data type of the type property to which the filter is applied to. |
Syntax error. Hide-if-empty closing tag [.?] should be preceded by the iterator closing tag. | Please make sure the closing hide-when-empty tag (‘[.?]’) is placed after the iterator tag (e.g. ‘[.]’) it applies to. |
Syntax error. Inserters require a path that results in one single value. | Please make sure that the (combination of) inserter(s) does not result into multiple values to be presented. Inspect the (nested) inserters to see where this can be the case. |
Syntax error. Invalid {type} reference ‘{name}’. | Please correctly refer to an existing model object (e.g. type element, type property, or type relation). |
Syntax error. Invalid list value ‘{value}’. | Please refer to an existing value of a type property with the datatype ‘list’ and make sure it is spelled exactly the same. |
Syntax error. Invalid operator in filter. For Date properties use “>”, “<” or “=”. | Please use either ‘>’, ‘<‘ or ‘=’ as an operator when applying a filter on a type property with the data type ‘date’. |
Syntax error. Invalid operator in filter. For List properties use “=” or “In()”. | Please use either ‘=’ or ‘In()’ as an operator when applying a filter on a type property with the data type ‘list’. |
Syntax error. Invalid operator in filter. For Number properties use “>=”, | Please only use ‘>=’ as an operator for a filter when applying a filter on a type property with the data type ‘number’. |
Syntax error. Invalid system attribute ‘{system attribute}’. | Please only refer to supported system attributes: ‘@DisplayName’ and ‘@ID’. |
Syntax error. Iterator closing tag is missing. | Please make sure an iterator closing tag (e.g. ‘[.Action]’ or the shorthand ‘[.]’) is used at the end of the iterator construction. |
Syntax error. Iterator closing tag is missing in table. | Please make sure an iterator closing tag (e.g. ‘[.Action]’ or the shorthand ‘[.]’) is used in the last column. |
Syntax error. Iterator does not specify a role: {iterator}
Please make sure the given iterator has its role name added to complete the relation iterator (e.g. ‘[has actions: Action]’ instead of ‘[Action]’). |
Syntax error. Iterator has more than one separator tag ‘[|]’. | Please make sure the iterator has only one separator tag (e.g. ‘[Action]{Name} [|]and [.] ‘) when you want to concatenate certain properties. |
Syntax error. Iterator is missing a hide-if-empty closing tag [.?]. | Please make sure an iterator closing tag (e.g. ‘[.Action]’ or the shorthand ‘[.]’) is used before the hide-when-empty closing tag (e.g. ‘[.?]’) is used. |
Syntax error. Iterator is missing a hide-if-empty opening tag [?]. | Please make sure an iterator opening tag (e.g. ‘[executes: Person]’) is used after the hide-when-empty opening tag (e.g. ‘[?]’) is used. |
Syntax error. Iterator opening tag is missing. | Please ensure an iterator opening tag (e.g. ‘[Action]’) is used when you want to show data for elements and relations. |
Syntax error. Missing enclosing iterator for inserter “{inserter}”. | Please make sure an enclosing iterator for the inserter (e.g. ‘{PropertyName}’) is used when referring to a type property. |
Syntax error. Opening tag ‘[#RelaticsContent#]’ is missing. | Please use at least one Relatics content block in the report template and/or use the correct tag for starting a Relatics content block (e.g. ‘[#RelaticsContent#]’). |
Syntax error. Relation iterator needs to have a type element iterator as a parent.
Please ensure a type element iterator (e.g. ‘[Action]’) is used before the relation iterator (e.g. ‘[executes: Person]’). |
Syntax error. Root iterator should depart from a type element and cannot depart from a type relation. | Please ensure the first iterator (e.g. ‘[Action]’) used in the report is not a relation iterator (e.g. ‘[has actions: Action]’). |
Syntax error. Same parameter cannot be used to filter on properties with different data types. | In the case of applying a parameter to multiple type properties, please make sure that all type properties share the same data type). |
Syntax error. Sorting on a property requires this property to be inserted in the report (by a corresponding inserter). | Please ensure that the type property to which sorting is applied is also presented in the report template. |
Syntax error. Template contains deprecated syntax because iterator does not specify a role. To keep this report future-proof, make the following change: {change}
Please make the specified change to the report syntax by giving the iterator a role (e.g. ‘[has actions: Action]’ instead of ‘[Action]’). |
Syntax in a table with text wrapping set to “Around” is not allowed. | Please ensure no content that is part of a table is set to ‘around’ in the Microsoft Word template file. |