Hierarchical elements are shown in a tree view. In systems engineering, trees are commonly used to display a hierarchical structure. The tree view supports this need, including editing capabilities.
Edit hierarchical elements in a tree view
- In the overview, click on Treeview.
- In the tree view, in the toolbox, click on Create root. Type in a value for the created element. As a result, a new element on the root level of the tree is created.
- In the tree view, in the toolbox, use Create child to create an underlying element, use Edit to rename an element or use Delete to remove an element.
- For each element in the treeview, the value of one of its properties is shown. Typically, this is a descriptive property (e.g. a property ‘Name’). The property used to display the value in the treeview is set as the Display as property for the element.
Restructure the hierarchy of elements in a tree view
- In the overview, click on Treeview.
- In the tree view, select an element and drag and drop it on another element in the tree. As a result, the hierarchical position of the element in the tree is updated.
- In the tree view, select an underlying element and drag and drop it above or below another element on the same level in the tree. As a result, the position relative to other elements on the same level is updated.
Gain insight into elements in a tree view
- Use the Expand all and Collapse all buttons to quickly expand or collapse all roots and their children.
- Use the Back in time button to view the tree at a state in the past.
Enable feature*
- In the workspace menu, click on Type graphview.
- In the model, click on the type element.
- In the toolbox, click on Edit. As a result, the dialog Type element settings is opened.
- In the dialog Type element settings, on the tab Advanced, ensure that Configuration is set to Derived element and that the Origin relation is set to a single relation that is part of the hierarchical structure.
- In the dialog Type element settings, on the tab Advanced, tick the checkbox for Hierarchical behaviour.
- If the origin relation refers to the same type element, the option Hierarchical behavior is automatically enabled and cannot be disabled. This model pattern is always considered to be a hierarchical structure, and therefore always, a tree view is available.
* In the workspace, the user type of your user must be set to power user to enable this feature.