Work with formulas in a calculated property

Work with formulas in a calculated property

A calculated property is a dynamic value based on other property values within the same element. The value of a calculated property is determined by using a configured formula.

Formula syntax

The following syntax can be used to create the formula:

Syntax Description Example
 + Addition 2 + 4
 – Subtraction 6 – 1
 * Multiplication 2.1 * 3
 / Division 6 / 3
 ( ) Parentheses (4 + 5) / 3

Fixed values in a formula

Fixed values ​​can be used for calculations in a formula. The value can be positive or negative, containing a dot as a decimal separator.

Example to convert Celsius to Fahrenheit:

({degrees Celsius (°C)} × 1.8) + 32

Number properties in a formula

To use a number property in the formula, the property name should be placed between curly braces ( {property name} ).

Example to calculate the surface:

({Length} * {Width})


  • A number property configured as calculated is not allowed in a formula.

List properties in a formula

The list property has a feature dedicated to formulas. A number value ​​can be linked to the list property items.
To use the list property in the formula, the property name and attribute name, separated by a hash ( # ), should be enclosed within curly braces ( {property name#attribute name} ).

Example to calculate a risk score:

({Chance#Factor} * ({Impact - Money#Term} + {Impact - Time#Term}))

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