Enabling Systems Engineering

Relatics is the leading Model-Based Systems Engineering application to support clients and contractors of construction projects fully. Developed in close cooperation with our customers, Relatics has proven to support all project members in every life cycle. Stakeholders, engineers, and planners work together effectively from initial idea to realization.

“Systems Engineering is an interdisciplinary field of engineering and engineering management that focuses on how to design, integrate, and manage complex systems throughout their life cycles” (see Wikipedia).

In the last decade, we have seen a growing number of construction projects that embrace this approach. The strong focus on requirements, verification, validation, and attention to transparency and traceability are extremely valuable for these projects. Relatics software has proven to be the key enabler to apply Systems Engineering successfully. Its flexible architecture ensures that any organization with any project can implement Systems Engineering exactly how they want to. Originating in the Netherlands, Relatics has become the standard tool to support Systems Engineering worldwide for thousands of projects ranging in scope from millions to billions of dollars.

The Systems development lifecycle

Compliant with ISO/IEC 15288

Proven in thousands of projects

Full life cycle support

From document driven, to model driven

From document-driven to model-driven

Despite the introduction of new technologies and project management tools, documents are still the main carrier of information and in many cases dictate the workflow within projects. Although most documents are in digital format and available everywhere nowadays, documents are still documents. Model-Based Systems Engineering is the next generation of Systems Engineering where information is not captured in documents but is integrally linked within an unambiguous systems model. Comparable to why CAD moved from 2D to 3D, MBSE corresponds to a more faithful representation of reality. Relatics is not only a fully featured MBSE tool, but it also supports hybrid situations where documents still dominate. This allows you to gradually grow to the next level and to cooperate with organizations of different maturity levels.

Whitepaper: Empowering Systems Engineering


Empowering Systems Engineering

7 Success Factors to Conquer Construction Project Complexity

Systems Engineering for construction projects

Relatics Systems Engineering software is designed for construction projects, ranging from civil engineering/infrastructure, and non-residential construction to industrial construction like power generation plants. Within these projects, Relatics is used by project members of all disciplines. Relatics makes interdependencies between different disciplines very clear. As a result, cooperation is triggered naturally and helps to increase the quality of decisions at the project level. Benefits become even more apparent if both client and (sub-)contractor use Relatics. For example, requirements or verifications can be shared easily, preventing awkward miscommunication or time-consuming efforts to understand and interpret each other’s information.

Energy Systems engineering project

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