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What's new in Relatics
Relatics 6.6 contains a whole range of enhancements, ranging from incremental refinements to significant upgrades, and introduces an entirely new way to gain insights into project status through widgets. Discover all the novelties for this release below!
From indicators to What’s happened
We’ve significantly improved how you monitor changes within your workspace with the introduction of What’s happened. This feature is accessible via a new button at the top of the type elements list.
The button displays an indicator when changes have been made to the workspace since midnight local time. Only when you click the button, and activate the feature, will you see what elements have changed in your project.
Once active, the type element list highlights the number of changes for each type element. Selecting a type element reveals individual changes, indicated by the color at the start of a row:
- Dark color: New element created.
- Light color: Existing element modified.
Hovering over a row color shows details about the change, including who made it and when. These indicators also appear in the tree view.
Using the dropdown menu, you can filter changes based on the following timeframes:
- Today (since midnight local time)
- Last 3 days
- Last 7 days
- Last 14 days
- Last 30 days
A change counter behind the timeframe indicates changes on top of the alterations made today.
Deactivating What’s happened sets the filter back to the default “Today” view.
What’s happened also accounts for the changes made by the current user, so you will also see your own alterations.
As this feature replaces the previous indicators, the “Clear indicators” button has been removed.
Power Users can now create customizable dashboards with widgets that display workspace data in a clear, digestible format. These dashboards are intended to determine whether there are triggers to take action.
You can find the Dashboards via the new chart menu icon in the sidebar.
Similar to use cases, Power Users can create multiple dashboards, each tailored to specific information needs.
The following widgets are now available:
- Top X
- Displays a top 5 or top 10 list based on a number property.
- Population divider (Donut or bar chart)
- Visualizes a type element’s population divided by a specific property or relation.
- Population in time (Line or bar chart)
- Illustrates the population of a type element over time.
- Supports up to 2 populations (e.g. actions with status open and in progress) using the same operator/function.
- Illustrates the population of a type element over time.
- Indicator
- A single counter displaying either the total number of elements for a specific query, or the sum or average of a number property.
When users hover over a widget, a tooltip provides additional information. Clicking on a widget, such as a doughnut slice or line graph, opens a popup displaying data filtered according to the widget’s settings. From this popup, users can also click through to the “All elements” view, which retains the same filters applied to the widget.
Widget graph colors automatically align with the environment’s color scheme. Power Users can rearrange widgets on the dashboard via drag-and-drop.
Dashboards and widgets can also be created in a template, and published to subscribed workspaces.
Users without access to certain parts of the workspace (based on the “No access” feature) will not see the contents of widgets containing restricted data on their dashboard.
Charts in reports
With the introduction of dashboards and widgets, you can now include certain widgets in reports as MS Word charts, making it easy to generate baseline or corporate management reports.
The following widgets are supported for use as charts in reports:
- Population in time
- Population divider
Widgets that can be included as a chart in a report offer the Copy report script option in the widget’s options menu.
It is also possible to generate a report with a graph back in time, provided the data is available and the type model has not undergone significant changes.
Graphs in the report can be styled directly using the settings in Microsoft Word.
Images in reports
A new report syntax is available, allowing you to include images in reports (uploaded in Relatics as attachment). This makes it easy to export reports, such as inspection reports, with images included.
Simply add the following syntax to your report template: {property_name | PICTURE}
Additional report syntax
New syntax has been added to easily include additional data in reports.
- Include the username of the person generating the report with {@User}.
- Add the workspace name with {@Workspace}.
- Insert the project’s date and time at the moment the report is generated with {@ProjectDateTime}.
Keyboard shortcuts list
Relatics offers numerous keyboard shortcuts, enabling users to navigate and work efficiently without a mouse. A complete list of current shortcuts is now available under the Help button () in the top right corner of Relatics.
What’s more
- Power Users can now change the image associated with a workspace directly from the workspace tile on the Start page.
- The Start page now displays the last time a user was active in the workspace, visible only to the user themselves.
- The tree node selection has been updated to match the selection in the “All elements” view, allowing for both semantic and syntactic selections for edits.
- Filtering by property list values is now simplified. Instead of first selecting ‘Equals’, ‘Is empty’ or ‘Is not empty’, and then selecting values (if ‘Equals’ was chosen), you can now immediately select values from the dropdown, check the ‘Empty’ box to filter for empty values, or combine both methods to filter for specific values and empty values.
Relatics 5 updates
In addition to the developments for Relatics 6, our developers are also still working on bringing improvements to Relatics 5.
- The performance of the browse history has been improved.
- Environment administrators can now add an owner to a workspace from the Users menu.
- Client Webservices have been updated to support communication with the Microsoft Graph API Framework.
Automatically generated changelogs
When a template workspace is adjusted and a new version is published, Relatics will now automatically generate changelogs that list the changes to the type model. These changelogs are visible to the Power Users of the subscribed workspaces, so they are aware of the modifications.
The Power Users of the template workspace can still add additional information in the Description to provide further context for the update.
Updates to RCS files & introduction of RCST - Coming soon
Starting from Relatics 6.6, you can seamlessly create new workspaces using .RCS files from previous Relatics 6 versions. This ensures full backward compatibility, allowing you to create new workspaces from .RCS files of Relatics 6.6 and all subsequent releases without any compatibility issues.
To further enhance flexibility, we introduce .RCST files for exporting and importing Relatics 6 templates. These files offer complete environment independence. You can use an .RCST file to either create a new workspace based on the template or update an existing workspace with a newer version of the template.
Workspaces derived from .RCST files maintain the same restrictions as the original template. This means that the inherited template structure cannot be altered within the subscribed workspace. However, you still have the freedom to add new type elements to the Systems Engineering model.
NOTE: Relatics 6 .RCS or .RCST files are NOT compatible with Relatics 5.
Attachment previews - Coming soon
The Attachment data type has been enhanced to support (image) previews in both element overview pages and on detail view. A small thumbnail is now displayed next to the file name, making it easier to identify the attachment in a list of data.
Clicking on either the thumbnail or file name opens a full-screen preview of the attachment, with the option to download the file. When selecting multiple attachments, whether from an element’s overview or detail page, you can download them all at once, bundled into a single .zip file.
Want to see all our release notes? Click here.